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Version 19.08

Updated: Sep-30-2022

Release Notes

Connect BMC Digital Workplace with BMC Client Management

Service catalog administrators and internal service suppliers can build services that call BMC Client Management actions from within BMC Digital Workplace Catalog workflows. Depending on your needs, you might use either or both of the following connectors:

  • Client Management connector: runs operational rules from BMC Client Management
  • Client Management Command connector: runs mobile commands from BMC Client Management

Connect BMC Digital Workplace with BMC Client Management

Service catalog administrators and internal service suppliers can build services that call BMC Client Management actions from within BMC Digital Workplace Catalog workflows. Depending on your needs, you might use either or both of the following connectors:

  • Client Management connector: runs operational rules from BMC Client Management
  • Client Management Command connector: runs mobile commands from BMC Client Management

Key Features

  • Import operational rules and mobile commands from BMC Client Management as services in BMC Digital Workplace Catalog

Supporting Documentation

BMC Documentation