BMC Mainframe: Using HCD for I/O Configuration
The course is developed and delivered by © RSM Technology.
The Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) program is the I/O configuration tool for the z/OS environment. This course, designed for experienced z/OS Systems Programmers, will provide detailed and essential information on all aspects of HCD, as well as teaching the techniques required to design and implement an efficient z/OS I/O configuration.
The course includes as number of challenging hands-on practical exercises to reinforce the classroom sessions.
Major release:
BMC Mainframe Infrastructure Platform Training
Good for:
Course Delivery:
Instructor-Led Training (ILT) | 24 時間
Course Modules
Introduction to HCD
- I/O configuration principles
- Logical Channel Subsystems
- I/O configuration practicalities
- I/O configuration addressing
- Commands to display the status of
- channels and devices
- HCD definition process
- Objects managed by HCD
- LOAD member of PARMLIB
- IODF processing at IPL
- IPL & NIP LOAD messages
The HCD Dialogs
- HCD and ISPF
- HCD Primary Option Men
- Creating a new work IODF
- Sizing the work IODF
- Defining the new configuration menu
- Pull-down menu action bar
- GOTO pull-down menu
- Filter pull-down menu
- Backup pull-down menu
- Query pull-down menu
- Help pull-down menu
- Context menus
- PF keys
- Keyboard navigation
Creating a New Configuration
- Configuration structure
- Operating system definition
- Add an operating system
- Processor definition
- Add a processor
- Logical Channel Subsystems
- Multiple Logical Channel Subsystem
- Define processor support level
- LPAR definition flow
- Actions on selected processors (LPARs)
- Add Partition
- PCIe Functions
- Adding a new PCIe function
- Different types of PCIe Functions
- Channel Path definition
- Actions on selected Channel Subsystems
- Add a Channel Path
- Connect CHPID to LPAR
- Additional Channel Path Information
- Control Unit definition
- Add Control Unit
- Connect CU to Processor
- Actions on selected processors
- Connect CU to processor
- Logical Control Units
- Logical Control Unit definition
- Device definition
- Add Device
- Connect Device to Processor
- Define Processor Device Parameter
- Connect Device to Operating System
- Define OS Device parameters
- Maintaining IODFs
- Delete IODF option
- Copy IODF
- Selection
- View IODF option
- Parallel Access Volumes
- HyperPAV
- Enabling HyperPAV
- Define Eligible Device
- Creating a Validated Work IOD
- IODF Activation Menu
- IODF build messages – errors
- IODF build messages -error actions
- IODF build messages - error explanation
- Validated work IODF name
- Build production IODF
- Print or Compare Configuration Data
- Print Configuration Reports option
- Report type selection
- Report filtering
- Print the activity log option
- View the activity log option
- View the activity log – output
- Compare IODFs option
- Compare IODFs report selection
- Filtering Processor Compare reports
- Filtering Switch Compare Reports
- Filtering OS Compare Reports
- Selecting Compare Report options
- Compare CSS/OS Views option
- Comparing hardware and software views
Defining Directors
- The Director
- Switch configurations
- Chained switch configurations
- Switch definition
- Sample configurations
- Switch definition
- Basic Fibre Channel Topology
- Actions on switches
- Switch Channel Path definition
- Actions on Processors
- Add Switch information to Channel Path
- Connect CHPID to LPAR
- Switch Control Unit definition
- Actions on Control Units
- Change Switch Control Unit
- Define Control Units attached to switch
- Add Control Unit (via switch)
- Connect CU to Processor
- Switch device definition
- Actions on Devices - Change Switch device
- Change Device
- Connect Device to Processor
- Connect Switch Device to Operating System
- Define OS Device Parameters
- Connect Switch Device to Operating System
- Device definition
- Cascaded FICON Switches
OSAs and Hipersockets
- Open Systems Adapter (OSA)
- OSA diagnostic device
- QDIO and non- QDIO
- OSA Express CHPID definitions
- Physical network links
- Adding an OSA Control Unit and device
- VTAM and TCP/IP definitions
- Adding OSAD device
- Hipersockets
- Hipersockets definition
- MTU sizes
Coupling Facility
- Coupling Facility
- Create a CF LPAR
- Coupling Facility links
- Types of Coupling Facility links
- Create CF Links
- Connect LPARs together
- Defining CIB Links
- Defining CS5 and CL5 links
- Structure Duplexing
- Connecting two CFs together
- Displaying the CF's connection
CHPID Mapping Tool
- CHPID mapping tool workflow
- Build IOCP input dataset
- IOCP input dataset
- The Chpid Mapping Tool
- CFR and IOCP files
- Mapping
- Process CU Priority
- PCHID to CHPID Intersects
- Export IOCP Input file
- IOCP with PCHIDs
- Migrate the configuration data
- Build IOCDS option
- Build IOCDS - file selection
- Build IOCDS - create file
Dynamic I/O
- Dynamic reconfiguration in operation
- Dynamic reconfiguration prerequisite
- Installed UIMs
- Device modification categories
- IODF processing at IPL
- Virtual Storage considerations
- Preparing for Dynamic Reconfiguration
- Activation Menu
- View Active Configuration
- Activation Scope messages
- Activation Main Menu
- Test Activate New Configuration
- Performing Dynamic Reconfiguration
- Activate New Configuration
- Dynamic activation in a sysplex
- Active Sysplex Member List
- Actions on Selected Systems
- Activate System Wide
- Activate commands
- Don't forget the applications
Batch Processing
- HCD as a batch job
- Printing reports in batch
- Comparing IODFs in batch
- Allocating & copying an IODF in batch
- Building an IOCDS in batch
Online Exercises
- There are extensive practical exercises throughout this course