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BMC AR System 22.x: Fundamentals Administering - Part 2 (ASP)

BMC Action Request (AR) System provides the foundation for BMC Helix ITSM. It enables you to automate business processes without learning a programming language or using complex development tools. In this course, you learn how to administer AR System 22.x. You will understand the tasks of an AR System administrator, from managing user access to maintaining an application.

This course will help you dive into deeper concepts and technical aspects of AR System. It also provides students with the information and hands-on lab exercises for administering AR System. This course combines classroom instruction with laboratory exercises to guide students through the basic concepts of the BMC AR System. Students will develop skills in product administration.

Major release:

BMC Helix ITSM 22.x

Good for:

Administrators, Developers

Course Delivery:

Assisted Self Paced (ASP) | 24 時間

Course Modules

  • Module 1: Getting Started
    • Provide an overview of BMC Helix Innovation Suite, which includes:
      • Product Components
      • Benefits
    • Describe the BMC Helix IT Service Management Namespaces
    • Explain the BMC Helix Innovation Suite Architecture
    • Explain the Fundamentals of the AR System
    • Describe the AR System Architecture
  • Module 2: Administration
    • Explain the role of an AR System administrator
    • Understand Centralized Configuration
    • Navigate the AR System Server Group Console
    • Configure basic Mid Tier Settings using the Mid Tier Configuration tool
    • Setting the AR System user preference form
    • Setting user preferences in the Mid Tier
  • Module 3: Access Control
    • Understand AR System access control, which includes:
      • Managing users, groups, and roles in the AR System
      • Explaining row-level access control
      • Using Permissions Inheritance
    • Understand AR System Licensing, which includes:
      • Adding and removing licenses
      • Viewing the License Report
      • Identifying the Types of User Licenses
      • Understanding the Submitter Modes
      • Releasing Users with Floating Users
  • Module 4: Advanced Administration
    • Describe the fundamentals of Full Text Search (FTS), which includes:
      • Benefits of FTS
      • Enabling FTS
      • Setting up FTS to search across multiple forms
    • Describe the fundamentals of the Email Engine
    • Work with Ports and Queues
  • Module 5: Managing Data
    • Understanding Audit and Archive of Data
    • Understanding Indexing of Data
    • Understanding how to Import and Export Data