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BMC AMI Utility Manager for Db2® 13.x: Fundamentals Using (WBT)

BMC AMI Utility Manager for Db2®, formerly known as Next Generation Technology Utility Manager for DB2 on z/OS, is a product that helps to streamline Db2 database maintenance and makes real-time intelligent decisions on database administration without generating JCL ever. The product primarily identifies table spaces and indexes that require processing and runs appropriate utility to process the objects.

For the Database Administrator (DBA), it is important to have an up-to-the-second analysis of object characteristics. This analysis facilitates database maintenance and eases the burden on DBAs. For the DBAs, it is important to understand how to maximize application performance and save resources.

This course provides detailed information about all the tables that are used by BMC AMI Utility Manager to perform various tasks. It focuses on managing tables, reporting, and automation control points. It also helps the learner to better understand BMC AMI Utility Manager processing with the help of demonstrations.

Major release:

BMC AMI Data 13.x

Good for:


Course Delivery:

Web Based Training (WBT) | 3 時間

Course Modules

  • Module 1: BMC AMI Utility Manager for Db2® Basics
    • Features of BMC AMI Reorg
    • Reasons for reorganizing tablespaces
    • Advantages of index reorganization
    • Concept of Db2 Real-Time Statistics (RTS)
    • Conceptual view of BMC AMI Utility Manager
    • Object evaluation using BMC AMI Utility Manager
    • Benefits of BMC AMI Utility Manager
    • Invoking BMC AMI Utility Manager
  • Module 2: Overview of BMC AMI Utility Manager Tables
    • Using the Exceptions table
      • Introduction to the Exception table and its data structure
      • Use of Exception table
      • Activating and de-activating Exceptions
      • Setting exceptions to expire
      • Where clause processing on the Exceptions table
      • Understand how to use of the Exceptions table using BMC AMI Command Center for Db2
    • Using the Criteria table
      • Introduction to the Criteria table and its data structure
      • Where clause processing on the Criteria table
      • Use of Criteria table
      • Processing objects using the Criteria table
      • Discussing disorganization criteria for REORG table space
      • Discussing space reclaim criteria for REORG table space
      • Discussing disorganization criteria for the REORG index
      • Discussing space reclaim criteria for the REORG index
      • Adding custom criteria
    • Using the Schedule table
      • Introduction to the Schedule table and its data structure
      • Use of Schedule table
      • Understand with examples the need for a Schedule table
    • Using the Duration table
      • Introduction to the Duration table
      • Use of Object History table in duration calculation
      • Example of Duration table
  • Module 3: Reporting for BMC AMI Utility Manager for Db2®
    • Generate Summary report –
      • Understand the RTS Reorg Tablespace and Excluded Tablespace Reports
      • Understand the RTS Reorg Index and Excluded Index Reports
    • Generate Journal Messages
      • Basic concept of Journal Messages
      • Actions/steps to display the Journal Messages
      • Study of detailed information provided by the Journal Messages
      • Understand the reasons for tablespace and index selection
      • Example of a Journal Message
      • Understand how to generate reports using BMC AMI Utility Manager
  • Module 4: Additional Features of BMC AMI Utility Manager for Db2®
    • BMC AMI Utility Manager Keywords
      • RTS Keyword with RTS options (appCriteriaRecord, GENERATESYSIN, GENERATESYSINALL, etc.)
      • BMC AMI Utility Manager syntax diagram
      • Specify Application-specific Record
    • Using automation control points
      • Basic concept of automation control points
      • Understand the XRTSSYIN automation control point
      • Understand the XRTSEXCL automation control point
    • Enhancement to BMC AMI Utility Manager
      • Use the keyword REORG_ADVISOR
      • BMC AMI Reorg integration with BMC AMI SQL Performance solution