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BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline (ISPW) 22.x: Fundamentals Developing (WBT)

BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline (formerly BMC Compuware ISPW) is a modern mainframe CI/CD tool that can ensure your mainframe code pipelines are secure, stable, and streamlined throughout the DevOps lifecycle. With BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline, you’ll be confident that you can quickly and safely build, test, and deploy mainframe code.

This course presents content using a web-based modality along with demonstrations and simulations. The lessons in the module will help the learners understand the BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline (ISPW) SCM User Interface and Lifecycle; recognize the BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline (ISPW) ISPF and BMC AMI DevX Workbench for Eclipse (formerly Topaz Workbench) perspectives.

*This course was created with the former Compuware names, but the content is valid for users of both versions. The course lessons have not been changed to reflect the new names.

Major release:

BMC AMI DevX 22.x

Good for:

Administrators, Developers, System Programmers

Course Delivery:

Web Based Training (WBT) | 2 時間

Course Modules

  • Module 1: Introduction to ISPW SCM
    • Explain Source Code Manager (SCM)
    • Explain ISPW SCM
    • Describe the languages and tools ISPW supports
    • Explain the ISPW Structure
    • Classify the change cycle path
    • Understand how the lifecycle functions
    • Explain the demo system libraries
  • Module 2: ISPW ISPF Perspective
    • Explain the several options and their basic functionality available in the main menu
    • Explain the Container List
    • Demonstrate filtering of a Container List
    • Explain how to attach users to a Container
    • Demonstrate the list handling functionality
    • Illustrate adding an Assignment
    • Show how to use the Repository List to Add a Task to a New Assignment
  • Module 3: ISPW Topaz Perspective
    • Explain the fundamentals of the BMC Compuware Topaz Workbench
    • Classify the different segments available on the home screen of the Topaz Workbench
    • Explain the Container List view on the Topaz Workbench
    • Demonstrate how to filter the Container List
    • Describe how to add users to a Container List
    • Explain the Task List view on the Topaz Workbench
    • Demonstrate how to filter the Task List view
    • Describe how to use the Repository Explorer to Add a Task to a New Assignment